Obituary Submission Policy

The Cortland Standard only accepts obituaries placed through funeral homes.

Effective June 1, 2018, all obituaries are subject to a $15 base fee plus 75 cents per word.

The headline is not included in the word count.

A standard-size photo of the deceased (1×1.5”) costs $25. Non-standard size pictures costs $35.

Only e-mailed submissions are accepted. The email address is
MS Word documents are preferred.

The deadline for submission is 12 p.m. the day before you would like the obituary to run. A $50 late fee will be applied to obituaries received after noon, with a final cutoff of 3 p.m. for the next day's publication.

Please direct any questions to Customer Service at 607-756-5665, ext. 151.

The Cortland Standard reserves the right to edit obituaries for style and content.

The newspaper also runs death notices, which are free; however, they include only the name, age and residence of the deceased, along with funeral and burial information.