
When we consider accommodations for people with disabilities, we are apt to think of physical things — like wheelchairs, ramps, elevators, assistive devices for visually impaired people and …

Nothing quite matches the peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich in childhood nutrition. Nutty and sweet, filling and comforting, too. Done right, it’s surprisingly nutritious. Peanut butter has a …

Parents should share what they love with their children. But remember, the child is under no obligation to love it, too. It comes to mind every time we pass a park and remember the hours spent …

To the Editor: I would like to share with you a quote by the anthropologist Ernest Becker: “It is (fear) that makes people so willing to follow brash, strong-looking demagogues... capable …

Human beings are good at making assumptions. Sometimes, they’re even correct. Often, though, we confuse correlation and causation, resort to stereotypes and rely on dusty old canards. Walking …

To the Editor: I am writing to express gratitude for the city of Cortland’s tobacco retail license law. As the Health and Wellness Program Coordinator and Co-Chair of the Tobacco and …

To the Editor: Jan. 9 headline: “Trump won’t rule out military force to take Greenland. Jan. 10 headline: “Trump taking Greenland ‘not going to happen.’” Haven’t we heard …

Cannabis has come a long way over the past decade or so. Now that New York and other states have legalized recreational use of marijuana, we’ve learned that many professionals, even community …

To the Editor: It is surely good news that there is now a nighttime warming center (Salvation Army) and a community-funded day time warming space (Grace/Holy Spirit Church) serving folks without …

January, named after the Roman two-faced god, Janus, is always a fascinating month. It is in January that the sale of products takes on new energy, appearing more than ever, ubiquitous even, on TV …

To the Editor: • FAIL is merely an acronym for “first attempt at learning.” (Editor’s note: No, it isn’t). • SUNY Cortland regularly runs a bus to Wal-Mart. Isn’t it time SUNY …

To the Editor: Regarding your article on revised grad standards, I don’t think Mary Shelley could devise a better plot for regenerating our high school students. The “portrait of a new …

A very cold knot

If a knot in the pit of one’s stomach could keep one warm, we’d gladly give ours to the first homeless person we meet. The greater Cortland area has seen temperatures and wind-chill …

If a political stunt turns out to be a good idea, is it still a stunt? We ask because Gov. Kathy Hochul announced in early December that she supports issuing “inflation refund” checks to New …

Anyone can enjoy summer, or the milder climate of some indolent southern state. Step 1: go outside. Ta da! But up here in the, we hardy souls have to spend several months of the year making our …

In case you missed it... To the Editor: While Joe Biden just wrapped up a total of 570 days of vacation or 40% of his presidency while being paid by us taxpayers, he wiped the slate clean for …

We can’t do a simple handyman project at home without taking two extra trips to the hardware store and spending twice as much time and money on it than we originally planned. Imagine the …

For decades, maybe even generations, we heard the lament that standardized test scores are a lousy way to assess whether a teenager is ready to graduate from high school. They’re efficient and …

Choosing favorites isn’t always easy. We’d be hard-pressed to identify our favorite food, as some days it’s an exotic flavor, served on a beach, while other days it’s just cold pizza at …

To the Editor: The city of Cortland’s central business district is at a crossroads. The New York State funded Downtown Revitalization Initiative is making major improvements to the CBD …

Nobody wanted to close Parker School in Cortland in 2018 — but the Cortland Enlarged City School District faced declining enrollment and an expensive maintenance to-do list. Ever since, the …

Eight months ago, when the Cortland Standard published a six-part series called “Home is Somewhere,” we found a consortium of agencies, both public and private, seeking ways to address …

Whether you should be alarmed or amazed at the crime trends in Cortland County depends as much on whether you like to be alarmed or amazed as it does on the trends themselves — that, and what …

Yes, Virginia

Yes, Virginia Editor’s note: The following editorial written by Francis P. Church first appeared in The New York Sun in 1897. It has always been one of our favorites and we are pleased to share …

Heat safely

Heating appliances are a major cause of fires in the winter. While they may help to keep your home warm and comfortable, they can also be deadly. Earlier this month, a 73-year-old Groton man …

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