To the Editor: I have read the recent article regarding the parking on Main Street and your recent editorial. People I have spoken to regarding Main Street all say they are not happy with …
To the Editor: Patriot Joe has given what so many wanted: a presidential race between a younger version of competence and caring, honesty and decency versus the old fat felon and his rich, …
A recent news story, in a different newspaper, caught my eye. The story was titled “Social Media Led Tractor Supply to Exit DEI.” Following the bewilderment that overtook my sense of logic that I …
To the Editor: The CNY Mustang-All Ford Club is excited to announce our 16th annual “Rooftop” concert for local charities. We are proud to be featuring for the first time local band …
To the Editor: The CNY Mustang-All Ford Club is excited to announce our 16th annual “Rooftop” concert for local charities. We are proud to be featuring for the first time local band The …
He begs oilmen — give me a billion dollar campaign contribution and, once elected, I will undo the climate protections that Biden has introduced. On the debate stage he refused to use the …
On July 4 2024, 248 years after we declared our independence from England with its insane king and its oppressive parliament, we are right back where we started: We are on the brink of being ruled by …
“Escape to Margaritaville” was one of the best musicals I have experienced in my 53 years of attending Cortland Repertory Theatre. (Yes, I am a dinosaur.) I knew little about Jimmy Buffet …
Responding to Ruth Lewis’ letter of July 5: My brother and I own the hundreds of solar panels, which currently supply all of the electricity for a 34,000-square-foot commercial building located …
To the Editor: It appears the Supreme Court, AKA “Teflon Donald J. Trump’s legal team,” has handed him a get-out-of-jail-free card. If elected (if he gets elected), he will become on par …
To the Editor: Thank you for the June 27 article about the ticks. It should be taped to the refrigerator as a daily reminder to check your body for ticks after you’ve been outside. Or make a …
To the Editor: Don’t throw him under the bus! I want to put the debate in perspective. How often will the president have to debate a foreign leader? Zero times. Which candidate: Put …
To the Editor: I’ve come up with a perfect solution for dealing with the hundreds, if not thousands, of solar panels when they’re no longer viable. We pile them in semi-trailers and drop …
To the Editor: James Meyers is the Democrat vying against incumbent Joe Griffo in NY-53 for the state Senate. It is clear Griffo is getting most of his campaign contributions from PACs and …
To the Editor: Our congressman, Marc Molinaro (NY-19), is supposed to be a “moderate” Republican. So we might have expected him to refrain from joining MAGA Republicans’ screams of …
To the Editor: The demise of local newspapers has been covered by the Cortland Standard for many months, maybe even years. Nationwide, over 3000 local papers have closed. Twenty years ago, New …
To the Editor: We Americans need to work together and come to know who we are as individuals and as a nation. Self-observation is a means to become aware of ourselves. The fact is we go about …
To the Editor: In the race to the most stressful job a person can have, that of food server has to be close to the top of the list. The relationship between people and their food is often as …
To the Editor: The best possible action-item that covers the Elevate Cortland Pillars and Strategic Focus Areas, will benefit all residents, college students, visitors and businesses, will …
To the Editor: Congratulations are in order for Nic Dovi, who is moving on from his position as superintendent of Public Works for the city of Cortland. As mayor, I had the privilege of …
To the Editor: Four words that describe John Mannion are integrity, dedication, community and family. In the 10-plus years that I have known John, he has been able to magically infuse all …
To the Editor: I would like to share with you two of my favorite quotes. Rollo May: “Hate is not the opposite of love, apathy is. The opposite of will is not indecision — which actually …
To the Editor: I am pleased to give my support to state Sen. John Mannion in the race for Congress in New York’s 22nd district. I had the pleasure of working with John at West Genessee …
To the Editor: As the June 25 Democratic primary for Congress approaches, Democrats in Cortland have a chance to elect a candidate with the experience and credentials to win the election in …
To the Editor: I support John Mannion for the New York Congressional District 22. We can vote early for him now or on primary day, June 26. John is our New York state senator in the 50th …